Monday, April 18, 2016

Shark Tank Outline

Speech 4. Shark Tank.

Group Members: Linda, Chris, and Ming

Product: GPS tracking shoes for children/

Projected company: Decker’s Shoes in Goleta

Objective:  Convince Decker’s:
A: Take our full product (consisting of shoe design and patent) and carry it on their shelves

Different Roles (Subject to change)
Nick - Introduction, possibly an overview of topics to be discussed, Analysis of our good cause (ie. Proceeds go to ‘Ride for Missing Children’) Competition, Reinforcing the product

Ling - How the company started (Personal Anecdote) as well as counter arguments

Chris - Highlights of the product (Features)

Linda - What market we have (Demand) (Stats)

Other aspects of product:
  • App that goes with shoes to track
  • Chargeable Tracking Device
  • Able to move to new pairs of shoes

Questions for thought - Research
  • Price for shoes
  • Price for GPS Tracker
  • Possible Product Price

Monday, April 4, 2016

Start.Stop.Continue #3

Effective Moves:
  • I really liked how Perez really didn’t write anything on his slides
  • He provided pictures to help guide his thoughts but he wasn’t standing there reading off the board
  • This adds a sort of credibility as it seems like he really knows what he’s talking about
  • Just as last time I liked Connor’s use of props
  • This time he emptied his pockets and threw coins down (rather forcibly)
  • This immediately captivated the audience and provided an entertainment aspect
  • I liked that she opened the speech with a question
  • This is a classic move but it’s very effective
  • It forces the audience to engage themselves and their own lives into the topic at hand
  • I also thought Linda was very well put together throughout her speech with a very succinct tone.

More hand gestures is always encouraged. I do make use of them in my speech but at times I can be found “twiddling thumbs” or other nervous ticks.
  • Speaking with the hands adds a sort of fluency to what you’re saying
  • It was an improvement from speech #2

More practice is also always encouraged
  • This speech probably received less rehearsal than my previous ones and that is due to the timing. Having this speech right before spring break allowed it to be due around the same time as midterms and other class projects so my attention had to be divided among responsibilities.
  • Maybe once or twice it seemed as if I was just reading off the board

I need to start making even better eye contact.
  • This was definitely an improvement from last time, as I made a conscious effort to look to the crowd after or during each point
  • This is so very important because it keeps your audience engaged.

I said “uhm” a total of 15 times.
  • This is a huge fall back from the last speech where I managed to only use 4 and even a drawback from the first speech where I used 11.
  • I attribute this again to the amount of stressful projects and midterms due at the time of this speech which prevented a desirable amount of practice.
  • My goal is still to completely eliminate this filler “word.”
  • I noticed that almost ¾ of the filler words came in during my last few slides which were the slides I had dedicated the least amount of preparation to.

Ease off the screen even more
  • I feel like I’m improving this with every speech but I’m nowhere near perfect
  • This again, can be improved with more practice knowing the gist of what I want to say before I say it.

  • I again believe that my topic was interesting enough to keep everyone engaged and showed that I was actually interested in what I was talking about instead of just getting the assignment over with by using a generic speech.
  • I felt that the formality of my speech was appropriate for my intended audience
  • I again felt the tone of my voice was good for this speech as my vocal tone fluctuated thus preventing a boring mono-toned presentation  
  • Again, I felt that I came off confidently and didn’t look or sound nervous ( aside from a few word jumbles)
  • Kinesics! My facial expressions were good, I didn’t come off as stone cold. The smiling allows for a positive and comfortable vibe in the room.
  • I liked that I provided an overview slide as an introduction and a “what it all means” slide.
  • Although they weren’t perfect and there’s always room for improvement I feel as if I did allow for some slight moments of pausing during my speech, these were to replace those annoying “filler words” and allow for a paced and controlled overall atmosphere.
  • I made it a point to move away from the computer and stand more central while pointing to things on the board.
  • I think this time around I was able to project my voice much louder than I had prior and I think that’s due to feeling more comfortable as this isn’t the first or second speech
  • I believe I now have the pacing down - In this speech I saved the video for the end as it wasn’t a “make or break” part of my presentation and only after getting through all the meat of my argument, I played my highlighting video.
  • I like that I make my slides visually appealing, I put a lot of work into the the design of my slides and I think that really keeps people engaged. Examples ( my Goldilocks Zone diagram I made with gifs, The Galaxy background)