Speech 4. Shark Tank.
Group Members: Linda, Chris, and Ming
Product: GPS tracking shoes for children/
Projected company: Decker’s Shoes in Goleta
Objective: Convince Decker’s:
A: Take our full product (consisting of shoe design and patent) and carry it on their shelves
Different Roles (Subject to change)
Nick - Introduction, possibly an overview of topics to be discussed, Analysis of our good cause (ie. Proceeds go to ‘Ride for Missing Children’) Competition, Reinforcing the product
Ling - How the company started (Personal Anecdote) as well as counter arguments
Chris - Highlights of the product (Features)
Linda - What market we have (Demand) (Stats)
Other aspects of product:
App that goes with shoes to track
Chargeable Tracking Device
Able to move to new pairs of shoes
Questions for thought - Research
Price for shoes
Price for GPS Tracker
Possible Product Price