Monday, May 2, 2016

Start.Stop.Continue Speech 4

Group: Trax Shoes 
Members: (Perez, Ling, & Linda)

Effective Moves:
Tar Ashore, Tar no-more!
  • This repetitive catch phrase was, in fact, catchy
  • It provided humor/entertainment - satire of an infomercial
  • Made a common solution to multiple problems

The Dump’s Blueprint
  • Very captivating spatial aspects
  • Lack of words on screen allowed them to connect with the audience more
  • Visualizing their layout helps follow their discussion from “room to room”

Ai’s Opening Video
  • Video was well put together and had my full attention
  • The funny photoshop and post-edit work were on point - I wanted to see what came next
  • The video showcased them walking into the classroom and then (in real life) they did, which gave a very “Disney-World-Show” kind of effect which was super interesting
  • You could see the effort that was put into the making of the video from the “classmate inputs” to the green screen effects which kept me engaged.
  • I believe throughout this class I’ve been able to accomplish everything i’ve wanted to start doing from increasing hand gestures to fixing posture and even introducing slight pauses every once in awhile. Though there are definitely some things I would like to stop doing.

  • I still want to eliminate “uhm” from my speeches and I have yet to accomplish that entirely - Though ironically I do feel it ads a sort of genuine aspect to what you’re saying when used slightly. I suppose it depends on the genre of speech.
  • A few instances I noticed I would glance to the floor in an almost spaced-out way while speaking. Though it was slight, I would like to eliminate this as well
  • Aside from these few things, there’s been many aspects throughout this course that I’ve taken off the list from “start” and have moved to “continue.”

  • I loved the topic my group chose for this assignment, I believe I proposed the idea after being inspired by Ling’s cool shoes she was wearing that day! If you like your topic it definitely shows in your work!

  • Since we were pitching to Decker’s we kept our presentation style rather formal which is good because it shows we’ve managed to adjust to our audience.
  • Vocal tone and fluctuation was something I think we did greatly as a group - Ling has definitely improved throughout our group practice!
  • Kinesics - our group was definitely great at using expressions and gestures. From Linda pointing to each aspect on the screen guide to accent what she was saying to perez, holding objects up while explaining, we were physically engaged
  • I believe generally as a group we spoke loud enough for everyone to hear without shouting, though our ending “fight this number” phrase could have been more projected and enthusiastic.
  • We generally kept a pretty succinct pace throughout our presentation - nothing seemed rushed

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