Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Elevator Pitch Draft

Location: Syco Entertainment, Los Angelas California

Person: Simon Cowell

Goal: Convince Simon to offer me an Internship at Syco Records/Sony Entertainment


Hey Simon! I was hoping to see someone famous here but who thought it would be the founder?
My name is Nick LaQuay, I'm not sure if you remember me but we met a few years ago back in New York City when one of your scouts reached out to me to meet with you and your team. We didn't end up going through with the signing process but it was still such an honor to even be considered! I'm actually here because it's my dream to work in the music industry; music has been a passion of mine my entire life. It would mean the world to me to have an internship here, paid or not this would open the door to so many opportunities and provide great experience. I'm currently working towards a bachelors degree in Communications which would be a perfect choice of major for anyone trying to become an A&R talent scout. You too were in my shoes at one point and I know you can relate to my aspirations. Anything you could do to help me get a head start in this industry would be immensely appreciated! Thank you for hearing me out, though given the circumstances I don't think you actually had a choice.

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